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Updated on Oct. 14, 2021

Two and half years ago, when I thought I was on my way to recover I wanted to provide coaching service for people who were in my shoes.  However, I crashed again and I saw the end of my life in July 2019.  Then true miracle appeared, and having solidly practiced what have helped me to achieve so much to these days, and that was beyond any of my previous health protocol could reach, I decided to offer what I have learn to the public.  Please contact me by sending me an email at  I will tell you what really saved me from death.  I am now free from drugs, and no daily expensive supplements either.

The following were written two years ago for my couching business.  I keep it here to show that I have come a long way.  My current approach is entirely different from what I had tried earlier (Oct. 14, 2021)

【written in 2019】

I have spent more than 10 years to find a path to my health restoration: paying doctors and healers and suffering the consequences.  I hope I can help people to find an easier way to a bright life!

Knowledge is power

In my days of total darkness, I searched and searched, and I went to see nearly every doctor and expert in country, and I even went to clinics in Mexico that serve an international clientele. I stayed in some of the best-known health institutes for full-time treatment, and I talked to many patients who themselves have become experts.  With the exception of conventional psychiatrists, every doctor contributed to my recovery, or to put it a more frank way, I learned a great deal from every doctor as long as their treatment protocol worked.  I always keep a diary, some entries were already published in my previous blogs, but many I just keep for my own reference.  I am now putting them together to formulate an integrated course of action.  I also give my personal comments on what worked for me, or what worked for others, and why.  I also learned a great deal from those who had once been a patient going through the hell of the illness but after their recovery, they offered their hearts to help many others they met.  I am inspired to tell my own story and to offer my help to brighten up your life especially if you are still desperately wandering in a hopeless and endless state of total darkness. 

I do not have formal training in medical science, but it was my childhood observation that natural treatments were in many case more superior than the conventional western medicine.  Growing up witnessing the success of Traditional Chinese Medicine including herbs, acupuncture, and moxibustion heating treatments, I have always had a strong interest in something I learned later in the US as Natural Alternative Medicine.  Having seen many failures of the conventional medical treatments, my strong interest in Alternative Medicine provide me a foundation as I strove to survive.  I have seen proof over and over, on the internet or with my own friends, that the only hope to recover from a chronic illness like depression, anxiety, fatigue, addiction, etc was to be able to effectively detox the body with natural means.  However, I do respect medical science.  I would not advise any one come off western medications without a doctor’s supervision, nor would I say not to see a doctor.  Discuss your options with your doctor, your ND, or your therapist.  If my protocol contradicts your doctor’s advice, please follow your doctor’s advice.  I would be pleased to be your health coach, but at the same time I respect your doctor’s professional advice.  It is your own health, so you are the one who has the ultimate right to make your own decision.  

My Health Protocol will discuss …

1) How to detox your environment: block EMF in the home, mold inspection, eliminate toxic chemicals, filter your drinking water, use only organic cleaning products, etc.  

2) How to prepare your body to detox:  selecting a holistic dentist to make sure your teeth are not contributing to your illness; making sure to get profession advice if you have dental implants; making sure to use only non-toxic organic cosmetic products.  

3) How to detox your body step by step: with supplements/super food, suppositories and home detox equipment; 

4)How to kill pathogens such as bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus, and/or Lyme and its co-infections.  If you do have Lyme, please talk to your Lyme doctor first. 

4) How to eliminate food sensitivities step by step: It is possible: I did it ! Now I can even eat food with gluten without a reaction, but I chose not to do it. 

5) How to quit drugs, both prescription drugs and street drugs.  I personally went through the hell quitting psychiatric drugs,  and I believe the same principal applies to quitting street drugs.  In fact, I eventually quit Klonopin (clonazepam) in a relative easy way.  It only takes about one month.  I can show you what to do step by step, so you don’t have to spend a fortune in all kinds of health institutes.  

I list here the well known doctors, health institutes, and detox facilities I have visited; and I also list the treatment protocols I have experienced.  I am grateful that with the help of Google and the internet, I was able to learn so much even when I was in the worst physical condition.  I list my experience chronically. 


Dr. Abram Hoffer – megavitamin therapy to treat mental illness. 

Dr. William Walsh – Using target nutrients to treat mental illness.

Allen Darmen – A man who successfully healed himself and his son Willie from mental illness with nutrition. 

Quietminds supplements – They claim their supplements will cure mental illness.  


Mensah Medical – These doctors are students of Dr. William Walsh. 

Truehope – a better version of Quietminds.  Many people believe Quietminds is the original form.  


Dr. Donald Randen – a psychiatrist who claims to be holistic even though he prescribes psychiatric drugs. 

Dr. Li – He effectively stabilized me with acupuncture.   


Dr. Huminston – He treated me for Candida. 

Dr. Yao –  Dr. Yao treated me with acupuncture.

Dr. Zhang – She successfully stabilized me with Chinese Herbs. Dr. Zhang also specializes in treating others for diabetes. 


Sanoviv – A world class beautiful medical detox facility and hospital located in Baja California. 

Alternative To Medicine Center – a detox center for naturally detox from drugs. 


Sponaugle Wellness Institute – a clinic that claims to help the most extreme illnesses.  I went there twice, and I fully documented my days there.   

Lifestyle health institute – This treatment center shares some similarities with Sponaugle Wellness Institute, but they do not prescribe antibiotics. 

Stemaid – located at Los Cabos, Mexico.  Stem cell treatment certainly has its own advantages.


Mercury Madness – Connie Fox helped me a great deal! 

The Detox Dudes – I only spoke to Josh once, but he has a lot of information online. 

The superman diet – I learned a lot from Alex’s wellness course.  I also translated two of his articles into Chinese. 


Moonlight beach dental – Dr. Vane is currently helping me to resolve my dental issues. 

I also did a lot of research on the following doctors, all of whom charge prices that were beyond my reach:  Dr. KlinghardtDr. Jay DavidsonDr. Pompa. as well as Dr. Shade.  They all have lots of online information. 

I provide the above information with my best knowledge.  All information is from public sources, and I am not responsible for their accuracy.  

The books that I have read (in both Chinese and English) are too numerous to list now.  I will provide a list soon. 

A few points with regard to natural treatments

Not all natural supplements or treatments are harmless.  Similarly, not every pharmaceutical is dangerous.  When I first used supplements/target nutrients to adjust my brain chemicals, I made a nearly fatal mistake to have bought into the belief that all vitamins are good to me.  Similarly, I would have made a mistake if I had not taken the medicine recommended by Dr. Klinghardt.  At one point I believed that medical marijuana was harmless and would cure me, but in reality many people who suffer from brain chemical imbalance must be very careful with THC.  However, I have had good results with my homemade CBD oil, and I will be pleased to show you my protocol step by step as to how it can be prepared.  Not only it saves money, but you will get exactly what you need.  Also, I had naively believed in the past that a natural Chinese herbal treatment called “moxibustion” would be 100% safe, but in reality, when someone is very toxic, especially when the toxins have caused mental issues, any drastic detox method can produce chaos in one’s already severely comprised detoxification channels.  All these wonderful methods might work wonders in other people but they may not help you.  I also heard stories that one shot of B12 would send someone to the emergency room, or that a Vit-C IV made someone’s day most miserable, and I happened to have very bad reaction to a Vit-C IV once.   Also, I knew someone who did a colonic in a professional setting ending up bleeding like crazy.  So I would advise you to be so very gentle to your own system, and take one step at one time until you can use more aggressive measures.

However, if you follow my protocol, you will start to feel good within a relative short period of time.  In my own example, I went from being bedridden to being able to do some housework in just two weeks;  For me to be able to digest without any unusual measures took me about 5 weeks; to be clear of Klonopin took me 8 weeks.  At about the 4 week mark I started to feel life was coming back to me, and at 8 weeks I started to have more and more brighter days.  Now it has been about 7 months post-Klonopin, and I have been making progress steadily and life is beautiful.

My final point is this:  you don’t need to suffer the rest of your life.  You deserve a beautiful life.  You don’t even need to spend a fortune like I did going to seek help from all kinds of expensive health institutions; you can regain your health, your spirit, and therefore your life.  Let’s work together to have more brighter days coming our way!