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繁忙主妇护肤术 DIY facial for a busy life style

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第二步:纯酸奶,生蜂蜜各一汤匙,加上绿茶粉一茶匙。调匀做成面膜 (最好用一片面膜纸)。如果恰好在煮菜,不妨还同时蒸脸。大概10-20分钟后,洗脸并涂上护肤霜(我用自制的护肤霜)。这个方法很省时间而且效果看起来还是不错的。



It is hard for me to dedicate much time to do a facial given my busy life style. But recently, I have developed a pretty quick way to do it myself:

Step 1: 1 tbsp Oak meal and 1 tbsp plain yogurt (I use DIY yogurt).  I mix these two ingredients and massage my face with the mixture.  I rinse my face after a few minutes. 

Step 2: 1 tbsp plain yogurt, 1 tbsp raw honey, plus 1 tsp matcha  powder.  Mix well and form a facial mask (a piece of DIY facial paper is preferred).  If I happen to be in the middle of cooking, I will also take this opportunity to steam my face.  I clean up and wait about 10-20 minutes, and then I rinse my face and apply some facial cream (I use my own DIY facial cream).  I feel good afterward 🙂 This saves me a lot of time and the result is satisfactory.  

I have a few other DIY facial treatments and I will take some time to organize and upload them.  

Note: DIY facial paper can be purchased at amazon.